Digital Resource Subscription



We know you love the LMS – now you can take it with you on a Digital Resource Subscription.

Exclusive to Pilates ITC Grads – for a small annual fee you can continue to access all* digital resources from your Course or Pathway for as long as you want or need. 

It’s a huge advantage and confidence boost going into your first year of teaching.

On a subscription you get access to:⁠

  • All of the Coursework (theory): Fundamentals, Principles, Alignment, Anatomy and Biomechanics and more.⁠
    Special Conditions research, theory and programming and more…
  • Matwork, Reformer, Small Apps and Studio Apparatus Video Repertoire Libraries. ⁠
  • Programming activities and video demonstration.⁠
  • Access to the Pilates ITC Digital Studio.

*Complete Anatomy subscription not included, but can be added via their website right here.


How do I register?

For Students with an active enrolment and LMS access; simply visit the Graduation Module for your Pathway or Course, select the chapter: Expanding your horizons and follow the prompts from there.

Pilates ITC Alumni who graduated before 2021 – from all course formats and delivery structures – can subscribe too. 

Simply complete:

Then, email the DRS Agreement and Ezidebit forms to: 

Digital Resource Subscription