
The Advanced Diploma is an end-to-end, robust qualification. You get the job-specific skills and an education on how to use it to your greatest advantage in the industry.

Four Types of Cueing —


What is cueing? It’s the heart of the Method as a unique mind-body discipline. It’s complex and powerfully individual (check out Pilates Cuing is An Art insights from industry leaders). That’s what makes it so very interesting!

Intelligent Course Design: What’s a Teaching Clinic? —


“Intelligent course design”: it is about access and equity. We want our courses to be accessible to all people, from all walks of life. And life, as we know all too well, can be messy! Our courses have been designed to be completed, like all vocational training, parallel to a full-time work commitment as standard. […]

9 Books You Should Be Reading —


We’ve talked about Pilates “mastery” being the product of years of (ongoing) study, and seeking out knowledge. So, here’s part two: nine books you should be reading on your journey toward Pilates mastery.

8 Blogs You Should Be Reading —


Pilates mastery is earned, not bought. “Mastery” shouldn’t be confused with the practical “doing” of Pilates: learning choreography and pedagogy. There’s so much more to it. After all, just because you’ve got the moves, doesn’t mean you’ve mastered them. Underneath professional delivery is mastery from years of (ongoing) study that comes only from investing in […]

The Balancing Act: Gender in Pilates —


The misconception that Pilates is somehow a feminine discipline perhaps comes from the fact it was adopted early, in the mainstream, by the dance community: a traditionally female industry. In actual fact, Joseph Pilates used the Method to train army troops, interned prisoners and men from all walks of life, as much if not more […]

Continuing Education —

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Meet the Mentor: Sally Anderson —


Get to know Pilates ITC Founder, the original Mentor and education legacy, Sally Anderson. Sally is well known internationally as a leading expert in the Pilates Method and for Pilates industry development. A regular presenter on the global online platform Pilates Anytime, Sally has presented extensively for the Pilates Method Alliance conferences, Pilates Alliance Australasia, Mind Your Body events, Pilates ITC, and been featured in Pilates Style magazine. 

Meet the Mentor: Maggie Macgill —


Get to know Maggie Macgill. “One thing that is sure to happen every day is that I feel energised, inspired, motivated and deeply fulfilled by the work that I do. Every day I feel like I am part of the most amazing profession and that all together we bring so much joy into the world.”

Meet the Mentor: Suzanne Newby —


Get to know Pilates ITC Director and Educator, Suzanne Newby.

The other half of the dynamic Director team delivering Pilates ITC Courses and Pathways in Australia today. Suzanne is a Pilates Practitioner (91490NSW) and co-Director of Pilates Fitness Institute (PFI) in Perth. She has over 10 years of combined industry and education experience and works hard to elevate the standard of education and grow a positive culture around lifelong learning in the Pilates industry.

Pilates Heaven. New York City 2014 —


You better believe Pilates ITC Faculty and our Directors practice what they preach when it comes to Continuing Education! (But when you live and breathe the Method, seeking out growth opportunities is a joy!) We’ve rebooted this archived blog from 2014, written by Director Frances Cahill, detailing her month of Pilates heaven working with some […]

Curvy Bodies with Helen New —


In early June 2019, renowned Scoliosis specialist Helen New paid a visit to Pilates ITC HQ in Perth to deliver a series of Studio sessions and the main event, Curvy Bodies: A Scoliosis Workshop, for WA Instructors and Students. Continuing Ed isn’t “just for” qualified, experienced Instructors; to illustrate this point we sat down with Pilates ITC WA Educator, Lora Rainey and Diploma Graduate, Nikki Ramm to reflect on their CE experience with Helen New.

Industry —

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Join the Pilates ITC HQ Team – Job Vacancies —


Pilates ITC is based in Perth, Western Australia – our growing HQ team is seeking new members! Explore the job descriptions below and apply.

Meet the Mentor: Frances Cahill —


Frances Cahill is one part of the duo Director team driving Pilates ITC into the future. Frances is a Pilates Practitioner (91490NSW) and co-Director of Pilates Fitness Institute (PFI) in Perth. She has worked in the industry and Pilates education for over 10 years and is passionate about the role Pilates ITC is playing in reimagining “Pilates learning” in formalised and continuing education contexts. We sat down with Frances to see what makes her tick!

Building a social media presence as a Student —


Building a social media presence while training to become a Pilates Instructor is not for everyone, but for those “socially” inclined, there are many benefits. Of course, there are some good and bad ways to approach it. Here are our tips to be successful, while staying authentic.

What the 2022 Federal Budget “Boost” Means for Pilates Training —


The 2022 Federal Budget brought with it a welcome incentive for Australian small to medium sized business to invest in training and upskilling staff. The “Skills and Training Boost” equates to 20% of eligible expenses, meaning if a small business spends $100 on training employees will get a $120 tax deduction. This includes investing in education offerings provided by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) like Pilates ITC and Pilates ITC Online. But what does that mean for you? How does that affect Pilates Instructor Training? Read on to learn more.

How Accredited Training Will Strengthen the Australian Pilates Industry —


The Pilates specialist industry has seen many changes over the last few years, going from rapid growth and government recognition to studios closing their doors due to COVID-19. I think we all agree that we need to find ways to strengthen our industry and get us back on track to making Pilates accessible to everyone, and develop strong successful Pilates professionals.

Latest —

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10839NAT Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method: Re-Launch 2025. —


The Advanced Diploma is an end-to-end, robust qualification. You get the job-specific skills and an education on how to use it to your greatest advantage in the industry.

Study Mode: Finding Your Fit —


Online OR in-person learning: selecting the right study mode will depend on your learning style and lifestyle. Get to know Pilates ITC’s Study Modes.

Join the Pilates ITC HQ Team – Job Vacancies —


Pilates ITC is based in Perth, Western Australia – our growing HQ team is seeking new members! Explore the job descriptions below and apply.

Physiotherapy and Pilates —


As two modalities that share the goal of helping people to move better, reduce pain and feel better in their body, physiotherapy and the Pilates Method have a lot in common. We also train lots of physiotherapists to become Pilates Instructors to add to their skills-mix. It’s a match made in (movement) heaven. The federal […]

Meet the Mentor: Frances Cahill —


Frances Cahill is one part of the duo Director team driving Pilates ITC into the future. Frances is a Pilates Practitioner (91490NSW) and co-Director of Pilates Fitness Institute (PFI) in Perth. She has worked in the industry and Pilates education for over 10 years and is passionate about the role Pilates ITC is playing in reimagining “Pilates learning” in formalised and continuing education contexts. We sat down with Frances to see what makes her tick!

Studying —

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10839NAT Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method: Re-Launch 2025. —


The Advanced Diploma is an end-to-end, robust qualification. You get the job-specific skills and an education on how to use it to your greatest advantage in the industry.

Study Mode: Finding Your Fit —


Online OR in-person learning: selecting the right study mode will depend on your learning style and lifestyle. Get to know Pilates ITC’s Study Modes.

Becoming a Pilates Instructor —


OBSERVE. PRACTICE. EXPERIENCE. Becoming a Pilates Instructor requires an experiential, personal engagement with the subject matter by watching and learning, practicing teaching skills, and feeling “the work” in your own body (also known as Self-Mastery). Our Students’ Work Placement (WP) requirement is dually supported by our home-base Instructor Training Studios and network of Work Placement […]

Physiotherapy and Pilates —


As two modalities that share the goal of helping people to move better, reduce pain and feel better in their body, physiotherapy and the Pilates Method have a lot in common. We also train lots of physiotherapists to become Pilates Instructors to add to their skills-mix. It’s a match made in (movement) heaven. The federal […]

Building a social media presence as a Student —


Building a social media presence while training to become a Pilates Instructor is not for everyone, but for those “socially” inclined, there are many benefits. Of course, there are some good and bad ways to approach it. Here are our tips to be successful, while staying authentic.

Teaching —

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Meet the Mentor: Frances Cahill —


Frances Cahill is one part of the duo Director team driving Pilates ITC into the future. Frances is a Pilates Practitioner (91490NSW) and co-Director of Pilates Fitness Institute (PFI) in Perth. She has worked in the industry and Pilates education for over 10 years and is passionate about the role Pilates ITC is playing in reimagining “Pilates learning” in formalised and continuing education contexts. We sat down with Frances to see what makes her tick!

Co-Instruction: Shadow Teaching Balance —


Work Placement (WP) is all about creating real-life context for- and applying- what you learn in Course Delivery sessions and from your own study (Self-Directed Learning) of the course content. At Pilates ITC, we believe that learning how to teach the Method of Pilates without physical context and experience, unlocks only a shadow (pun intended!) […]

Four Types of Cueing —


What is cueing? It’s the heart of the Method as a unique mind-body discipline. It’s complex and powerfully individual (check out Pilates Cuing is An Art insights from industry leaders). That’s what makes it so very interesting!

Instructor Care and You —


“Self-care”: it’s so much more than a product of the wellness industry. At its core, self-care is any activity undertaken with intention to improve and or maintain our mental, emotional and physical health. We see this very concept in the Workplace Health and Safety unit (HLTWHS001) of our Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction and associated Instruction Pathways. In this blog, we explore the importance of self-care for Instructors, in an operational context, and ask you to identify activities, practices and consider strategies for supporting your wellbeing as a professional.