Frequently Asked Questions —

Making your move with Pilates Instructor training is a big deal, so it’s only natural to have a bunch of questions! Odds are, if you’re thinking it – someone has already asked it. That’s why we have FAQs.

If you’d prefer to talk it through, book a chat with our Careers Team.

Pilates ITC Courses – online and in-person modes, combine:

  • Coursework component.
  • Assessment component: written and practical.
  • Self-Mastery component: aka. your own practice.
  • Work Placement component.

This four pronged approach is part of what creates a comprehensive learning environment and robust professional outcomes for our Students.

Please note that the requirements of each component vary according to study mode.

How does it work? We’ve mapped this out for you here. 

But in a nutshell:

Step 1. Pick your Course or Pathway.

What do you want to teach? Matwork. Reformer. Or all formats: Mat, Reformer and Studio apparatus.

Step 2: Then consider how you want to study: online, OR “blended” in-person + online.

Learn more about Pilates ITC Study Modes here to help you on your way.

When you’re ready to enrol you’ll receive same-day access to the Learning Management System (LMS) so you can go ahead and dive straight into the resources.

Step 3: For in-person + online Students.

For “blended” study mode Students: once you’re enrolled, save and review your timetable, making note of your first, in-Studio Course Delivery session at your State or Territory’s Instructor Training Studio.

Course Delivery is a blend of lecture and workshop where you get hands-on with the theory and repertoire in an Educator and peer-supported environment.

Step 4: All Students.

No matter your study mode: map out a weekly Work Placement (WP) and LMS Coursework commitment to keep yourself on track to graduate.

Explore our Work Placement Studio listing and cue up your on the job learning.

Step 5: Complete and GO!

When you’ve finalised your assessments for each subject area (e.g. Matwork, Reformer, Studio), you are qualified to go out and teach in the big wide world.

Online OR in-person learning: selecting the right study mode will depend on your learning style and lifestyle.

In-person + Online Study Mode.

Also known as “blended”: this format is ideal for Students who prefer collaborative, supported and hands-on learning environments. These Courses are delivered in Adelaide (SA), Brisbane (QLD), Hobart (TAS), Sydney (NSW), Perth (WA), and in Wellington (NZ).

In-person + Online Students attend an Instructor Training Studio for Course Delivery (workshop/seminar hybrid), Teaching Clinics and Practical Assessment; and Work Placement Studios for on-the-job learning.

This in-person learning is dually supported by self-directed, online study via the Learning Management System (LMS).

Blended study is generally more accommodating for diverse, personal learning styles; it allows for practical engagement and experimentation with the concepts and repertoire; and real-time feedback from Educators and peers.

Many people are simply happier learning in a “classroom”, in this case, a Studio.

Find your State or Territory’s Instructor Training Studio.

Explore the Work Placement Studio network in your State or Territory.

Online Study Mode.

Online study requires a combination of personal traits and technological proficiency, meaning this mode is ideal for self-motivated individuals who value flexibility and autonomy in learning. People who opt for online study mode thrive in environments where they can control the pace and schedule of their studies.

Studying Pilates ITC Courses and Pathways online is 100% self-directed and supported by the LMS which guides you through the course workflow and module milestones. While online Students don’t attend formal, Coursework sessions, they are still required to complete Work Placement (on-the-job learning) in a Studio to consolidate their teaching skills.

Explore the Work Placement Studio network in your State or Territory.

Want to talk through your options? Book a chat with our Careers Team.

Pilates ITC Courses have a much higher equivalency level compared to the UK Level 3 Diploma. We have lots of Graduates who qualify with us from all over the world who are successfully working in the UK under their Pilates ITC certificates.

Pilates ITC Courses are accredited at AQF Diploma Level 5 which in the UK equates in the UK to a Level 5 Higher National Diploma.

You’ll find our course have a much more comprehensive coverage than the UK Level 3 Diploma as this only covers Matwork at a basic level. Because of this very advantageous equivalency, our grads are very highly regarded as employers love how confident and competent they are at teaching on all the apparatus including the small apparatus like the magic circle, foam roller, theraband, poles and weights, fitball etc which the UK Level 3 Diploma doesn’t cover at all. If you’d like to know more about international equivalencies, get in touch!

Style is important: how you like to be taught Pilates and in turn how you want to teach it, is unique to you. You can experience the difference for yourself with FREE Pilates ITC workouts, for Mat and Reformer, over on our YouTube channel!

free PITC workoutsicon

For optimal learning outcomes, all Pilates ITC Students are expected to have access to the following as minimum:

  • A PC or Desktop Computer (preferred).
  • Tablet or other mobile device (secondary).
  • Software: Word Processor (as minimum).
  • Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (preferred browsers).
  • Internet connectivity:
    • Good: 2Mbps. Better: 4Mbps. Best: 10Mbps+.
    • Anything less than what has been prescribed will adversely affect quality in viewing and interaction with the LMS Software.

To ensure you have a great study experience, we also recommend having a pair of headphones or a head set so you can listen to video, audio content and participate in online events/sessions where necessary.

Yes and no! The great thing about the structure of our training is that Matwork is the heart of all of our undergraduate courses.

The six units from the Professional Matwork Instruction Pathway is also the first six units of the Matwork and Reformer Pathway, and the Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction. All our undergrads share the first six-months of the learning journey.

Matwork and Matwork and Reformer Graduates are positioned to articulate to the full Diploma if and when they want to, via direct credit – so you just have to complete the balance of units to have the full qualification!

Pilates Education knows no gender! Men do Pilates. Men teach Pilates. Men are an essential part of our Pilates community. It is an inclusive movement system: it’s not “just for” anybody. We meet you exactly where you are, no matter who you are.

The misconception that Pilates is somehow a feminine discipline comes from the early adoption, in the mainstream, by the dance community. Pilates was invented by a man: Joseph Pilates. And developed for men in an English internment camp during World War I as a method of training troops and rehabilitating injured soldiers. And has been used by elite-level male athletes (and female) for over 50 years.

Men have been instrumental in instructing, educating and evolving the discipline throughout its history, and number among its most influential advocates today.

So yes! Gents! Come and join us!

The beauty of this Method is its accessibility to all people, all body types, fitness levels and capabilities. There is no pre-requisite of fitness to enrol for Pilates Instructor training with Pilates ITC.

Some experience and familiarity with Pilates is certainly helpful and will put you in good stead for your coursework.

To set yourself up for success we often recommend Students commit to semi-regular Pilates practice ahead of their course commencement. Pilates Instructor training with Pilates ITC is a wholly transformative experience: it’s life changing, it’ll also change your body and refine your Pilates self-mastery – it’s all part of the journey!

Of course! Pilates Instruction is a rewarding and flexible career pathway and one that is accessible to people from all walks of life, with all sorts of life and work balance and commitments.

Intelligent course design is what makes our Courses and Professional Instruction Pathways work. Our Student Administration team is on hand to help make our courses work for you!

Design your assessment schedule and map out a work placement plan that is realistic for your life; go at your own pace – fast or maybe a little slower. We’re here to help.

Yes! Our undergraduate courses are designed to be completed, like all vocational training, parallel to a full-time work commitment as a minimum.

Most of our Students work full or part-time while completing their studies, by designing a study schedule that works around their work and life commitments: after work, before work and weekends.

You do not need to have any experience in the health or fitness industries to start a Pilates Instructor Training course.

There is no pre-requisite knowledge or experience!

For many of our Students and Graduates becoming a Pilates Instructor is a complete career change, or an added “side hustle”.

If you have limited experience with- or feel like you need a refresher on basic anatomy and physiology we recommend Students complete our Anatomy and Physiology short course.

You can complete it before you make a start with us or work away at it alongside your Diploma or Pathway studies: the choice is yours! Equip yourself with a sound understanding of the human body so you can tackle your studies with confidence.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

We have had Students and Graduates all over regional Australia.

Our course design, smart and flexible delivery modes (digital and in-person), and network of affiliate Studios all around the country make our courses accessible to people living outside of our capital cities.

If you live in a regional area, get in touch with our Student Administration team to talk through your options before enrolling.

We love this question! We have had many Pilates-lovers complete our courses. Why?

Personal growth. To further their self-mastery. To take up a new skill. Challenge themselves. Step outside of their comfort zone.

(Some Students who may have started off with the intention not to teach, have ended up doing exactly that! You never know!)

Regardless of your motivation, you will learn skills that will enhance your understanding of the Pilates Method, and grow your understanding and awareness of your own body. When in doubt, give us a call!

Courses and Pathways delivered – online and in-person – in Australia are “accredited”. Courses delivered online or in-person outside of Australia are not accredited, however, these qualifications still hold weight and are internationally recognised for their quality.

What does “accredited” mean, anyway? Pilates ITC accredited Courses and Pathways are recognised and endorsed by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA): the national regulator for vocational training, in accordance with the VET quality framework. ASQA regulate quality standards, that’s why when you select an accredited course you enjoy quality assurance.

An important note for those in the depths of researching courses: only Registered Training Organisations can deliver accredited training.

So, no RTO number no accreditation!

FYI: Pilates International Training Centre’s RTO Number is: 40941.

Choosing an accredited course affords other benefits, including:

  • No expiry date on your qualification! It’s yours for life.
  • The industry’s peak body, the Pilates Alliance Australasia (PAA) recognises accredited training due to quality assurance.
  • Qualifications are recognised Australia-wide and internationally via partnering with international bodies, like the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) in the United States.
  • Pilates ITC courses can articulate directly into higher education streams.
  • High-quality qualifications help us to promote and maintain high standards of Pilates instruction in Australia, and around the world!
  • Accredited Instructors are inherently more employable.
  • Students are protected by the quality assurance of the regulating body, ASQA.
  • Employers prefer accredited Instructors due to this quality assurance.

We are upfront about the costs associated with Instructor Training and have bundled a lot into the total course price, so you don’t have to worry about unexpected add-ons.

The only thing not included in the total course price is your self-mastery: that’s doing Pilates group classes and Studio yourself (compulsory).

You may complete the self-mastery element of your course at an Instructor Training Studio or any of our Work Placement Studios; these Studios generously offer our Students self-mastery packages at a reduced rate – however, this is at their discretion.

Other optional extra costs: Elective Teaching Clinics which can be added to your schedule at any time, but are charged per Clinic. These offer a way to expedite your Work Placement hours and hone your teaching skills under supervision.

As with any education provider, administrative fees may apply to you if you require an extension, deferment or any significant administrative support outside of those included in the course cost.

There’s no pre-requisite knowledge or experience to study with us! Your parents will just have to sign a form to say that you understand the Course requirements.

Our Courses are comprehensive but achievable, and you’ll graduate ready to instruct safe, informed, and engaging Pilates!